
Saturday, November 30, 2013

And I took the plunge....

The countdown is seriously on, the wedding is in like 6 1/2 months or 201 days to be exact. I found out that the YMCA was doing their $1 Enrollment and no fees due until January.

I did it, I went in and signed up.... Let's be real. I don't like to have to think about exercise. When I was dancing umpteen years ago (lets not actually count) it wasn't exercise to me. It was fun, I lived at the studio. If I wasn't dancing I was working on choreography with another teacher or working the front desk. I lived there. Then college and life happened. I love hot yoga but seriously who can afford to pay that much every month? I would love to try Barre because it brings me back to what I love and dearly miss, but again $$$$$. Not happening... remember we have a wedding to pay for in 6 months!!! And we all know working out at home isn't going to happen, lets get real.

I have to admit they made it super easy to sign up. I paid my $1 in change ( 3 quarters, 2 dimes and nickle to be exact) because I never seem to have cash when I need it. Really I didn't have $1.  Kinda sad but oh well. I paid my money filled out a quick form, took my hideous picture (oh well I'll always look like a train wreck when I'm there right?!!?) and out the door I went about 10 minutes later.

Now here is the real task, the accountability. My plan: Always have my workout bag with clothes in my car. I have to pass the Y on my way home so I need to go at least 3 times a week. I can handle that right??? I've got my choices of many different classes or I can just suck it up and go run for an hour. I CAN DO THIS!!!

How do you keep accountable?


Wedding Pillows

Did someone say Pinterst?!? Wedding planning..... Pinterest is your best friend and your biggest enemy all at the same time. Did someone say DIY projects galore!!!???

Between my MOH, bridesmaids and friends I think we have found enough projects to keep us busy until 10 years past my wedding. Not to say that I don't LOVE every single thing they send me, because truly I do and they know me to a T. But really who has the time, patience or money to make all of the said projects?!?!?

However, while scouring the Internet for engagement photo ideas I came across a great idea of pillows that have your wedding date on them.

So needless to say I of course ran out to HomeGoods to find a burlap pillows. My first thought was to make 3 pillows like the bottom right picture.  Of course I couldn't find the perfect pillows even after scouring many different stores. So change of plans and more Pinterest I found the middle picture and the perfect pillow at good ol' HomeGoods. A girl's best friend! So off to the craft store I went. 2 craft stores later I still haven't found the perfect sized numbers. REALLY?!?! You are a craft store how do you not carry different sized numbers and in different fonts. Moving on... I'll go home and get out my Cricut and print out my own. And problem 2,510 has now been shoved in my face... my Cricut that is less then a year old won't work!!!!! Crisis mode is now in full effect.  Really this project wasn't supposed to take days. (And the Cricut is still sitting on the shelf waiting to be plugged in and hopefully fixed a few months after said pictures were taken. Oops)

So back to problem solving mode. Later that night while out on a "date" to Fleet Farm... really when did dates to Fleet Farm, Home Depot, Gander Mountain and Cabela's become my new normal!??! Need to fix this stat... Ok off that rant! So the boy is off looking at some thing or another for hunting and I am off trying to find what I can come up with in the numbers department... Then it hit me!! Plastic house numbers! They are the perfect size and with a bit of flare! 
So here is said pillow front and back. I then took the insert out and placed a few ads on the inside so the paint wouldn't bleed through.  Grabbed a pencil, my house numbers, a few paint brushes and my black acrylic paint and I got to work. 

The first pictures is really hard to tell but it has the numbers traced on by pencil, the second is after painting and the third is the finished product! 

And for your viewing pleasure here are a few of our engagement pictures!! (A huge shout out to our friend Kimmie who took our pictures)
