
Saturday, November 30, 2013

And I took the plunge....

The countdown is seriously on, the wedding is in like 6 1/2 months or 201 days to be exact. I found out that the YMCA was doing their $1 Enrollment and no fees due until January.

I did it, I went in and signed up.... Let's be real. I don't like to have to think about exercise. When I was dancing umpteen years ago (lets not actually count) it wasn't exercise to me. It was fun, I lived at the studio. If I wasn't dancing I was working on choreography with another teacher or working the front desk. I lived there. Then college and life happened. I love hot yoga but seriously who can afford to pay that much every month? I would love to try Barre because it brings me back to what I love and dearly miss, but again $$$$$. Not happening... remember we have a wedding to pay for in 6 months!!! And we all know working out at home isn't going to happen, lets get real.

I have to admit they made it super easy to sign up. I paid my $1 in change ( 3 quarters, 2 dimes and nickle to be exact) because I never seem to have cash when I need it. Really I didn't have $1.  Kinda sad but oh well. I paid my money filled out a quick form, took my hideous picture (oh well I'll always look like a train wreck when I'm there right?!!?) and out the door I went about 10 minutes later.

Now here is the real task, the accountability. My plan: Always have my workout bag with clothes in my car. I have to pass the Y on my way home so I need to go at least 3 times a week. I can handle that right??? I've got my choices of many different classes or I can just suck it up and go run for an hour. I CAN DO THIS!!!

How do you keep accountable?


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