
Monday, April 23, 2012

Refrigerator Oatmeal

So all over Pinterest I was seeing overnight refrigerator oatmeal, so I figured what the heck I might as well try it. After looking over the ingredients I realized I had most of what I needed but would need to run to Whole Foods to pick up some more greek yogurt and the Chia seeds.

So after said run to the store on my way home from work last week I came home and was excited to give this a try. However this is where problem one came in. I got all of the ingredients into my canning jar and it was ready to over flow and I had yet to add my bananas... but I figured what the heck gave it another good shake put it in the fridge to sit over night and I would add more banana in the morning. Well morning came which turned out to be quit hectic. So I grab my oatmeal and head for the car. As I am on my way to work I open my oatmeal up only to find that there is still a lot of liquid. Dreams of breakfast now crashed as I'm racking my mind to think of anything I may of have tossed into my bag earlier in the week. So when I arrive at work I put my oatmeal back into the fridge thinking that maybe by lunch it will be good to go. Not so much....

So that got me thinking- the oats I used I have had for awhile so was that the reason they weren't able to soak up all the liquid? So I guess the only way to find out is to buy more oats and try this again!

 Update to come soon of the second go around!

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