
Saturday, March 31, 2012

DIY Fridge Magnets

Posted by: Rachel

I am love home made stuff! I remember my mom and I doing this project when I was little and I have since done it with my son. I made these years ago but obviously need to make more.

Materials needed:
Hot Glue Gun (and extra sticks)
circle magnets
Anything you want on your fridge!

Simply glue your creative item onto 1 (or 2 depending on your item) magnet. I don't have pictures for the making but here are the final results!

These are my Great Grandmother's vintage earings. I removed the clip before I glued on the magnet. (I only used these because the matching earring was lost!)

These are coins from Costa Rica. I have more from all across the globe I will make into magnets!

These are a mixture of polished rocks, gems, fools gold, and sea shells!

Beer Caps! Promote your favorite brand or "recycle" or whatever... 

I love all my magnets and I can't wait to make more! The process takes slightly longer than warming up your glue gun.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Blog Rules

Posted by: Rachel

So when looking at other blogs on the internet I have decided what I don't want ours to be. Because it is in all honesty must easier to decide what you don't want instead of making a decision on what you do. So here it is:

Erin and Rachel's Blog will only be about stuff we have seen, done or made ourselves. No professional photographs (we will see if we can get any better at taking pictures), nothing that we "want" to do - only things we have actually done. That way we can give you a fair and honest opinion from experience.

We don't want fakes, wishes,  or could-have's.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Posted by: Erin

I HATE MOVING..... I have managed to stay in one spot for more then a year. It was AMAZING! I have moved every year since 2004. It sucks. I was happy to be in one place for awhile. So now that I have gotten past the issue of not having anywhere to live (it came down to the wire, signed a lease 12 days before I have to be out of the current house). Now comes the next pain in the ass- PACKING. Also mind-you we are hoping to buy a house this fall... So that means I have to pack very carefully and put a lot in storage. Did I mention that we are losing a lot of our space and a garage in this move.... Yep well we are.

I am also a freak when it comes to packing and un-packing. I don't like everyone getting their hands all over my things. I need to do it. period. So the next 10 days or so I think may be a little intense.

Praying that I can keep my anxiety down through all of this....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

9 Years

Posted by: Erin

Ok so let's break this down- I've been with Zach for 9 years which got me thinking.... How many months? 108 Weeks? 469.59 Days? 3,287.18 Hours? 78,840

For all that time things have flown by! I can't imagine where I would be with out him at this point nor do I want to think about it. We have been through plenty of ups and downs, luckily for us many many more ups! Where our future will take us no one knows but I do know that day in and out with his guy is for sure an adventure!

So luck have it this year I was out the door by 7 am and of course Zach had to close at work and I didn't see him again until about 9:30 pm- great day huh? Well brunch on Sunday should be great! However, he did come in the door with a big smile on his face and flowers in hand (of course he remembered my fav- Sunflowers!) What would I do with out this boy? He may drive me bat shit crazy some days but he is also my rock and my de-stresser (which he has had to do a lot lately as we try to find a new place to live).

Can't wait to see where our crazy life takes us next!

Kids Growth Chart

Post by Rachel:
ohhh yet another thing from Pinterest.
So supplies needed are:

Precut & Sanded/Finished Wood from Home Depot - I used a 3/4" x 11 1/4" x 8' Pine cost was $14.99
Black Sharpie
Ruler (only if you want to be accurate)
Wood Stain & paint brush (if you want to be fancy!)

So because my handsom prince charming suffers from severe OCD I had to be meticulous in making this if I wanted it to be hung in my home.
Start with your board.
Say hello to my kitchen. Side note: if you do this with children in the room they may want to walk the plank. So I have high ceilings in my home but you may not want your board to be 8' tall. I liked the look so I didn't cut it. Also mine had to start on the floor so that my son could measure all his toys.
Step 1:
Measure all your intervals. I did mine by quarter foot and also did them on both sides so my lines would be even. You will see what I mean later.

I matched up each dot from the intervals and drew my lines that way. The line next to the number was 3", the 1/2 foot mark was 2" and the quarter marks for 1". Do it however you like.
So for the numbers I printed out HUGE typed font on the computer and cut them out and traced them... again because of Prince Charming's OCD. Freehand it if you like.
So I lost track of steps...
Step 4:
After doing everything in pencil (so you can erase mistakes) Sharpie it in! This was kinda boring.
Step 5:
Stain it! I have seen everything from wood stain to coffee. I used MinWax Wood Finish in Cherry 235 - $4.99 and I only did one coat.
Don't forget the edges!
Step 6:
Hang it however you choose to because I am still figuring that out. Here is my finished product leaning against the wall
It passed the OCD test in case you were wondering.

Blueberry Cubes!

Post by Rachel:
Can you tell I love cold things? Anyway I was thinking that if my lemons are going to spoil then my blueberries will to. So here is what I did: put 4-5 blueberries in ice cube tray, and pour water over them.
I realized this may be a stupid way to do this, so maybe I will blend them! Yes that is the way!
However blueberries don't blend well... who would have thought! I added some V8 Splash Concord Grape Raspberry flavor and that did the trick.
And I poured without spilling!!! So I kept some of the plain blueberries in water because I think they will look nice in a glass. Hopefully they will turn out.

Lemon Ice Cubes

Post by Rachel:
I am addicted to Pinterest and Erin is my dealer. So I thought I would try a few things I saw and this one is lemon ice cubes (or whatever you want to call them.) The reason I am doing this is because I am going out of town this weekend and I think my lemons are on their last leg. Also it was 65 today and I am ready for summer drinks. So slice 'em up!
The put one slice per glass and add a bit of water.
Then put the glass in the freezer. I am guessing this isn't the best way to do this, however I literally wanted a circle ice cube with a lemon inside it. I also froze some of the slices on a plate by themselves to see how they turn out. Here is the finished cube.