
Thursday, December 19, 2013

This Week....

This week has been a whole lot of nothing and a lot of major things all wrapped into one. And it's only Thursday. 

The kids have been crazy. I'm blaming the full moon and the fact that it's the week before Christmas. And A becomes a big sister on Saturday and man is she in for a world of hurt when she finally realizes it's not all about her (she may only be 15 months but man she's got a streak of sassy- as we like to call it). All of my Chrismas shopping is done and wrapped but yet I feel like something is missing. Not having my own house and my own decorations this year I think is part of the reason for my funk. A good friend was told last night that they were letting her go from her job Feburary 1st. She's a fellow nanny who I spend a good chunk of time with... So to say the least I am super disappointed. I don't know many of the details nor do I need to know them. But it was a schedule problem. But caught her by complete surprise. Can you say Merry F'ing Christmas...... So it makes me very thankful for my job and the fact that I work for family. 

Sorry about the rant but I needed some where to dump all of this- so why not blog land?!? They say it's the cheapest form of therapy....


Friday, December 13, 2013

It's Friday!!!

Is it 5 o'clock some where yet?!?

Here is my week in pictures

-B figured out how to color with markers!
-B all snuggly and not feeling 100%
-My Pinterest FAIL.... I blogged about it earlier this week. If I knew how I would link it but I don't. And I'm on my phone....
-My snowy puppies!!!
-The access panel I tapped shut so the cat can't hide anymore until her parents get back into town.....
-Said cat now hiding in the kitchen cupboard
-The nasty cold weather this week 
-P working hard on another Christmas craft I brought her!
-A all proud of herself after pushing all the buttons possible on my phone. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

My bestie (the other half of this blog) will be in town this weekend!!!! Yay!!!!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pinterest Fail

I love Pinterest! It's my best friend. And the best place ever for ideas for the girls that I nanny. From projects, to food ideas, to time out solutions. 

Speaking of time out solutions..... When your 3 1/2 and you think you are the ruler of all.... Especially over your younger sister it tends to lead to a fair amount of time outs or breaks to cool off. So insert Pinterest. Glitter time out bottle. 

We had the perfect water bottle. So I grabbed the girls and off to target we went for the supplies.  
Goo Gone to get all the sticky crap off the bottle from the label. 

Next- a bottle of colored glitter glue, a bottle of loose glitter and warm tap water. Fill your bottle about 3/4 full with warm tap water, add glitter glue and glitter and give a good shake! Once it settles and you see how long it takes to settle you can either add more gel glue if it settles to quick or a bit more warm water if it's taking forever.  And super glue the cap shut.... We all know why. 
So finished product! It was taking about 4 minutes to settle which was perfect! I was so excited!! 

And then...... It sat over the weekend..... 
And it all settled into the bottom and stayed there.... 

Oh well you win some and you lose some. 


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Here is to staying in my pjs all day. Laying on the couch watching Netflix. With a hot cup of coffee in hand. And the dogs cuddled up close because they are refusing to go out in this cold weather. 

~ Erin

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Friday!!

I'm attempting to bake peanut butter kiss cookies with the 4 year old while the 15 and 18 month olds are running wild about the house!!

I may be crazy..... 


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Daily thoughts


Elf on the Shelf 2013

Post by Rachel
So this is my second year doing elf on the shelf. Sean (my son) named his elf "Criddle" and I have no idea why. So needless to say Erin wants me to post a picture everyday of Criddle.
December 1
Criddle was waiting on the couch with movies for Sean when we got home from Thanksgiving at Grandpa's.
(Will post this one later)

December 2
Criddle was riding Rex on the mantle...
(Will post this on later)

December 3
Criddle ate Daddy's advent calendar chocolate...
December 4
Criddle brought magic seeds!
So we planted them in sugar like it said!

December 5

The seeds grew into candy canes!
December 6
We decorated the house and Criddle climbed into Sean's stocking.
December 7
Criddle has found his way into Dan's boot I brought back from Germany... looks slightly uncomfortable. 
December 8
Criddle found the curtains. 
December 9
Sean brought home this "Memories" plaque from the school holiday sale so Criddle is making use of it. 

December 10
Not sure what he got tied up into today...
December 11
Criddle is not afraid of heights. These skis are mounted in the space above our stairs. 
December 12
Today was a hard day. Sean didn't find Criddle until dinner time when I opened the cupboard. 
December 13
Criddle helped me wrap presents... 
December 14 
Criddle came to Grandma and Grandpa's house! I hope he wasn't trying to peek up the angel's skirt.
December 15
Criddle was riding around in Santa's sleigh like he owned the place. 
December 16
In the last days, I think Criddle will be getting into some trouble...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Black Friday 2013

Well, with that being said how was your Black Friday!?!?

I've done Black Friday a few years in a row and yes I will admit there have been some Thursday shopping as well. However, lets be clear it was never planned, we were all sitting around and figured what the heck! I've never gone out for any of the huge electronic deals. My nerves could never handle that much crazy in one place.

After going through this years ads there was no I HAVE TO HAVE THIS!!! Which was just fine by me, really I would rather sleep in anyways. After looking at the ads again and a bit of pleading to Zach that he really needed to buy me a kayak for my birthday/Christmas we decided we would get up on Friday to go to Fleet Farm since the deal on kayaks was actually pretty good.

And then the alarm went off at about 5am and I rolled over and said Nope, not happening. They are online we will figure it out later. We both slept in, had breakfast and watched a movie. So I go looking online- Zach said he would buy me the Kayaks and we can order them online, Deal! Get all set to check out.... the shipping is outrageous!!!! Well dang... its now about 945 am. Alright lets get dressed and run up to Fleet Farm and if they have them great if not we lost out. Well....we lucked out! We got the last 2 of 3 that were in the building!! Win!! Fleet Farm was a bit busier then I expected, ok maybe a whole lot busier but Zach managed to keep his happy face on and help out a lil old lady! Everyone wins!!

Here are my new babies!!
 (Please excuse the mess which is 99.9% of my life in storage currently)


Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Holidays!

We'll I think we can officially say that Rachel and I are horrible at blogging all the things we have made and done. We can go months without blogging at all. So in an effort to change that I'm going to turn this little blog of ours into more of a lifestyle blog then just a DIY. Not that anyone is actually reading any of these posts but oh well it's for us not any one else.

So with that being said I'm going to attempt to blog everyday of December. My plan for sure is a favorite quote or holiday song since it is that time of year!!  And maybe if your lucky you will get an update on Sylvester the Elf that lives at my cousins house. And boy oh boy does Sylvester need to show up soon for little Miss P! Being almost 4 and Christmas season make for a hard life!!

So with that being said here is my quote for the day:

At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year. 
-- Thomas Tusser 
