
Thursday, December 19, 2013

This Week....

This week has been a whole lot of nothing and a lot of major things all wrapped into one. And it's only Thursday. 

The kids have been crazy. I'm blaming the full moon and the fact that it's the week before Christmas. And A becomes a big sister on Saturday and man is she in for a world of hurt when she finally realizes it's not all about her (she may only be 15 months but man she's got a streak of sassy- as we like to call it). All of my Chrismas shopping is done and wrapped but yet I feel like something is missing. Not having my own house and my own decorations this year I think is part of the reason for my funk. A good friend was told last night that they were letting her go from her job Feburary 1st. She's a fellow nanny who I spend a good chunk of time with... So to say the least I am super disappointed. I don't know many of the details nor do I need to know them. But it was a schedule problem. But caught her by complete surprise. Can you say Merry F'ing Christmas...... So it makes me very thankful for my job and the fact that I work for family. 

Sorry about the rant but I needed some where to dump all of this- so why not blog land?!? They say it's the cheapest form of therapy....


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