
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pinterest Fail

I love Pinterest! It's my best friend. And the best place ever for ideas for the girls that I nanny. From projects, to food ideas, to time out solutions. 

Speaking of time out solutions..... When your 3 1/2 and you think you are the ruler of all.... Especially over your younger sister it tends to lead to a fair amount of time outs or breaks to cool off. So insert Pinterest. Glitter time out bottle. 

We had the perfect water bottle. So I grabbed the girls and off to target we went for the supplies.  
Goo Gone to get all the sticky crap off the bottle from the label. 

Next- a bottle of colored glitter glue, a bottle of loose glitter and warm tap water. Fill your bottle about 3/4 full with warm tap water, add glitter glue and glitter and give a good shake! Once it settles and you see how long it takes to settle you can either add more gel glue if it settles to quick or a bit more warm water if it's taking forever.  And super glue the cap shut.... We all know why. 
So finished product! It was taking about 4 minutes to settle which was perfect! I was so excited!! 

And then...... It sat over the weekend..... 
And it all settled into the bottom and stayed there.... 

Oh well you win some and you lose some. 


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